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Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Finding Peace Within Yourself

It sort of makes sense to me that we're not going to do very good at getting along with each other until we can get along with ourselves.  This guy right here is my favorite how to get along with yourself guy.  Enjoy.

Plus Eckhart is just funny.  I love to listen to him.  

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

The No Nitpicking Challenge

So I read this article today  http://www.webmd.com/sex-relationships/guide/happy-marriage-no-nitpicking
It's about marriage and deals with the pointlessness of nitpicking.

As I was reading, I found myself wondering about how often I "nitpick" the people around me needlessly.  Maybe it's a little hard for me to realize that I nitpick strangers.  I'm thinking about it like this, how often do I think to myself, "Well that guy doesn't know how to drive," or "oh my God, that ladies dress looks like a cereal box?"   If nitpicking breeds bad love between married people, is it negatively effecting my relationship with the world?   I think incessant nipping at the world around me is probably pretty unnoticed by the world but really keeps my head jammed full of trashy thoughts.

I'm offering myself this challenge:  Tomorrow I will not nitpick at anyone for any reason.  I will totally let  people be people without my internal dialog.  I don't know if I can do it, but setting it as a goal for the day should help me see how much I'm doing it and help me see how much negative chatter I'm feeding myself.

Want to join me?  Just one day?  Can you do it?  No nitpicking even in your mind?  I think it's going to be harder than I think it's going to be.